Welcome to a world full of flavor, full of freshness

We are dedicated to producing the purest, highest-quality eggs, founded on ethical, sustainble, and transparent practices.

About Us

At Valencia Premium Farm, we believe that happy hens lay the best eggs. That’s why we’re committed to providing our hens with a stress-free, cage-free environment where they can roam freely and express their natural behaviors.


At Valencia Premium Farm, we champion the welfare of our hens through a cage-free environment and a natural diet devoid of GMOs and hormones. We are dedicated to producing the purest, highest-quality eggs, founded on ethical, sustainable, and transparent practices


We dream of a world where quality goes hand in hand with ethics. By pioneering cage-free and natural feeding practices, we aim to be at the forefront of an industry transformation, ensuring that every egg on the breakfast table comes from a happy, healthy hen, raised without compromise.

Highest Quality Eggs Store

When you buy Valencia Premium Farm eggs, you can be sure that you’re supporting a farm that is committed to the welfare of its hens and the quality of its eggs.

How We Produce?

Spreading the word about your efforts can foster community engagement and potentially lead to more support and donations from others.

Farmers Markets

You can also get us at major farmers sales stands.


Olive view Medical Center SLMAR


Woodland Hills Farmers Market


Supalos Verdes Farmers Market


We know you may have questions, find the answers here.

1-. Quality and Taste

Many believe that farm-fresh eggs have a richer taste and better quality compared to mass-produced eggs.

2-. Egg Color

While the color of the eggshell doesn't indicate quality, many consumers believe that darker, richer yolk colors are indicative of a healthier, more natural diet.

3-. Ethical Treatment of Hens

Consumers might seek out farms that ensure hens are treated humanely. This includes cage-free or free-range environments.

4-. Natural Feeding Practices

No use of GMOs, hormones, or antibiotics in the feed.

5-. Sustainability

Environmentally-friendly farming practices that have a lower carbon footprint or make use of renewable resources can be a selling point.

6-. Where can i find your products?

Farms that offer tours or show how they operate can build trust with consumers.

7-. How do i store the eggs?

Many prefer to support local farmers and believe that locally-sourced eggs are fresher.

8-. How log do eggs last?

While some are willing to pay a premium for farm-fresh eggs, others might be looking for competitive pricing.

9-. Should i wash eggs before eating them?

Environmentally-friendly packaging, or even returnable egg cartons, can appeal to eco-conscious consumers.

10-. Certifications and Labels

Labels such as "organic", "non-GMO", "pasture-raised", or "cage-free" can provide assurance to consumers about the product they're buying.

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